Cast Iron RepairServices > Locomotive Repairs

Locomotive Engine Repairs

Metal Locking Service provides world-wide service to all of the major railroad customers.  Over fifty years and thousands of repairs have resulted in numerous qualifications for the Class 1 Railroad industry.

Metal Locking has been performing Rolling Repairs all over the world.  They include:

Damaged Crosshead

Standard Crosshead Repair

       Extended Crosshead Repair

Interior Wall/Rib Damage

Cam Bore Damage

       Repaired Cam Bore

as well as Out of Cab Repairs (which require complete teardown):

Damaged Mounting Foot

In-Process Foot Repair

       Finished Foot Repair

Damaged Pan Rail

In-Process Pan Rail

       Pan Rail being Machined back to

Engine Mounting Fee

Alignment Fixture

       Repaired Foot